
   Today we are headed to the DMZ. We had plenty of nap time on the buses because it took a couple of hours for us to meet up with our tour guide since Koreans are not allows to visit the DMZ, which I do not know the reason behind it but I think it might be because what is going on between North and South Korea. While we were waiting for our tour guided bus to depart I went with Madame Dorsey and TJ to Starbucks for them to get coffee and I split half a sticky bun. It hit the spot. The first picture on the left shows the uniforms that the parking attendance have to wear while working at this agency. Below that picture is our tour guide for the DMZ. Yes, he is Korean but he is a very lucky Korean because he was able to surpass going to the military at age 23 like the rest of the male Koreans do because he had to help take care of his mother and now works the tours at the DMZ. 
    Always back to the trip, on the way to the DMZ we stop to see the bridge  of no return where people were able to across over, but never return to there home. Next to the bridge there were fences of ribbons with the people's names who crossed over when the bridge was open. Next we ate lunch and this was the first place we have had to take our shoes off. I am glad I have socks on! Lunch was really interesting. I love the bean sprout looking veggies and the mushrooms. I am not sure about the Kimchee; it shocked me because I thought it was a noodle not a veggie flavor. Maybe next time I try it, it wont scare me.
    Now finally we arrived at the DMZ, the tour guides went over the rules and explained to us what is going to happen while we were there. After the first passport check we listened to a presentation given by a member of the United States Army explaining us the foundation of this area. Next we were able to see the first Checkpoint before North Korea fired there missiles into the ocean. I don't know how South Korean Soldiers are able to look at North Korean Soldiers all day long with out starting a fight. Thank goodness they can wear sunglasses to avoid direct eye contact. 
    After our adventures today, Kiera, Melanie, Emily, TJ and I went to Seoul with Jinny to go clubbing. The peak time the clubs here get popping was at 12 am. its seems like in America you normally see people hitting there limit at that time. In Korea people party from 12 am to 6 am, but in South Carolina it seems like the party start popping at 10 pm and goes to 2 am. Before we got to the club we had dinner at KFC where I had the most amazing chicken wrap. The clubs we went to were so much fun especially because we got in for free! THANK YOU JINNY FOR THE HOOK UP!! I think tonight we danced off all the food that we have eaten the entire trip because the music was so good you just could stop dancing and also there was not any chill out music it was all up beat dance music. The local there were so much fun, I really like the fact people dance next to each other, but in Korea the locals do not bump and grind. Its GREAT!!! After the club we went to Taco Bell to grab a bite to eat since we could not find a waffle. Tonight was so much fun. I think we all need a night to unwind and relax. Now s

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