
    One word to describe the flight, warm. I was told airplanes are cold, but this one was not. I couldn't even wear my sweat shirt. 
    The lift off in the air was not terribly bad. I wish didn't have a headache before we got on the airplane. Then I probably would have been more excited for the lift off. The food on the airplane was really good, the bottom picture was the continental breakfast I chose from the other two choices they gave us. Dinner was delicious, I had chicken with peppers gravy and white rice with a blueberry desert pastry. 
    I slept a lot on the airplane. I am glad I was small enough to curl up in my seat because I don't think I would have slept well if I couldn't. 
    The landing of the airplane was definitely like a roller coaster going down the hill. Before we landed one of the passengers became ill, keep him in your prayers to get better. Overall, this next flight to China should not be too bad. Now, I am off to explore this Airport with this four hour overlay.

4/28/2013 08:54:46 am

Yay! You survived lol

Ashley Esposito
4/28/2013 08:57:58 am

I did Melanie and I sat next to each other. She has the windows seat, but it was night time so it was just rain to see. The storm stoped here in Korea.

4/28/2013 09:40:08 am

That's good. Are you still waiting on next flight?

Ashley Esposito
4/28/2013 10:00:12 pm

We departed from Seoul at 8:15 to leave for shanghai.

4/28/2013 03:59:35 pm

Yay! Have a great time! Oh and I recieved what you sent me in the mail. Thank you so much!! Hopefully it will help tame my hair with all of this rainy, humid weather we are having here!

Ashley Esposito
4/28/2013 10:06:01 pm

I am glad you got it! I am using the same stuff over here. I hope the humidity will not be to strong for it.

Jessie E
4/29/2013 03:28:27 am

Hope you have a great time, Ashley! I look forward to seeing all the pictures of your adventures.


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