
    On the road to Atlanta Delta Airlines from Greenwood was a very bumpy trip. I hope the airplane ride will not be the same way. Well hey, at least there won't be much riding on the road during the flight; only at the beginning and the end of the flight. 
    I am getting really excited about the trip  and a little bit hungry. Thank goodness we stopped at Chick-Fillet! I was starting to get tired, but everyone keeps telling me stay awake till the flight! I think I might fall asleep as soon as I get on the flight. It does not help being in a vehicle for 7 hours does not help with the tiredness.
    I really hope the people we meet overseas are as friendly as the International Students that come to Lander. I wonder if my height will be consider normal over there, unlike in U.S.A. 
    Once we arrive to the Airport  we had some technical difficulties getting out luggage out of the Bearcat Shuttle. I am unsure if the Shuttle wanted us to go to Asia. Going through Airport Security was not bad. We all made it through the sensors clear! Now its just the we wait for us to bored the flight,, I was told if I like Roller Coasters taking off and landing is exactly like it. With this said I am assuming I will enjoy the flight and my nerves are somewhat calm... We will see. Next stop Korean 
     Airlines!!!! This is really happening everyone!!!! Oh boy!! 


Today is the lift off day, no turning back now! Just arrived in Greenwood and
had a nice family meal at Taco Bell. It has just now hit me that we are going on
an airplane to arrive in Asia. I guess I am at the waiting game to get to
Atlanta for this flight.  I am excited to come back with a whole new
outlook on life! Watch out Friends and Family.

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