    We arrived in Shanghai at 11:30 a.m. in China, which is 11:30 p.m. in South Carolina. I am very shocked I am not ready to fall asleep. The flight from Seoul to here, was so much smoother then the 15 hour flight landing. 
    I exchanged some American money into Chinese currency, which makes me feel like I cheated the system because I gave them less and they gave me in return. Then we met up with one of the International Directors from Sandia University,  her American name is Mandy.  She was really nice! From the airport we took a bus, which had the luggage compartment doors that unlock well. But the bus did stall out once on the way to the University, which was not a big deal since it was fix quickly. All the buildings in Shanghai are so big.
Emily and I are rooming in the same room, first thing we had to figure out after we ate a delicious lunch was how to work the air conditioner and freshen up.
    Mandy and some students gave us a tour of Sandia University's campus. Dorise was my partner she loves to read books, take English classes and  is currently studying construction management. Dorise is wanting to study abroad at Lander University, as well as, some of the other students that were with us for the tour. There is a body of water that runs through campus, which really adds to the peacefulness to campus as well as the nature and structure. One thing I notices was really cool is how the students hang their laundry out to dry on the balconies; apparently it is not cost efficient for them to use a dryer, as well most students do not have access to a dryer.
After the tour we met up with more students at the University and they taught us about their culture, popular food and  festivals in China. Then our group presented to them about Lander University.  Overall, I think the presentations went well, but I can say I was nervous before and during the presentation. Once our presentations were over they had a "party" set up for us. What we thought was a party is different from there meaning, but it was great experiences. We were able to listen to two guys musical talent and all I have to say is wonderful. I believe if Lander's music professors were able listen to these students musical talent they would be so impressed because they played with so much passion and there hands fluttered like butterflies on their instruments. 
    After all was over we had dinner, which was different. I really liked the meatball and the veggies. I wish I was not so full or I would have been able to eat more. We have ate so much since we started this trip I feel like I might bust.

5/5/2013 01:37:46 am

Yay! You have internet now. How has the trip been so far? What else have you been up to besides the presentations?

5/7/2013 11:23:01 am

vito i miss her. this sucks. wtf! wwaaaaa

Ashley Esposito
5/15/2013 02:59:34 pm

I miss you too Hayley! We have done so much sight seeing. I hope you have more photos and blogs up soon, Vito.


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