
    Today, we went on a tour of the upperclassmen campus after breakfast in our nice clothes. The campus was very big and beautiful. I wish the weather was sunny, so we were able to take more pictures and enjoy more of the beautiful scenery on campus. Thank goodness for Jack and Alice to provide us umbrellas during the tour because most of us did not dress for rainy weather. The infrastructure was gorgeous. I wouldn't mind going to school here. 
    So the reason most of our group was not dressed properly  for the weather because we were all dressed to meet the Dean of the Shanghai Normal University. We learned about their University and met the students and visiting scholar that were planning to come to Lander University in the fall. Cindy, Chang Shin, and Alice asked many questions after we gave our presentation about Lander university.
     After the conference we had lunch, which was really good and fancy. We ate lunch with teachers, former academic scholar and students that attended Lander and the future students and scholars that will attend Lander. I think the shrimp and the fruit was my favorite part of the meal.
    Next we went back to the conference room to learn about Chinese history, culture, customs and etiquettes. It was very interesting to listen to all the symbolism found in the Chinese culture. I wonder how it would be if we knew all the meanings of everything in our culture of America. I believe there has to be someone out there that knows it all, but I know I do not. 
    After a busy day, the students and academic scholars took us to KTV for Karaoke. This a very popular hang out / stress relief in China. We stayed here for about 2 hours, but it seem like more people could have gone longer on the microphone. This was a very fun night, especially when we found many songs that everyone know and everyone sang along.

Samantha Harmon
5/10/2013 02:45:24 am

I'm loving your very descriptive discussion of the food lol.

Ashley Esposito
5/15/2013 03:03:56 pm

Yes. There is so much food. I am about to explode from trying all of the food.


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