
    Today we have arrived to Shanghai University of Electric Power. The students at Shanghai University welcomed us to the University with a banner saying, “Welcome Lander University”. They were very excited to talk to us. They had activities and lunch planned for us once we placed our luggage in the rooms. 
    For lunch, the students taught us how make dumplings, I am making these when I get back to South Carolina. They were very easy and quick to make on top of it all very delicious. The activities they had planned were games that they play for fun and acted a cut from the Phantom of the Opera. These students are really talented sing opera acapella. I think my favorite game was the one we had to stand in a line and mimic what the person behind us acted out to the person in front.
    After all the activities were over we went on a tour of campus. They have a place called Lovers Park and ALL the girls that were with us from Shanghai University of Electric Power wanted a picture with Gregg on the hill. They Gregg as if he was a movie star, I think he enjoyed himself. 
Then we played basketball with the students who gave us the tour. The girls told us that it was not normal because most girls do not like to play sports, so that was why the other students looked shocked when we were doing our thing. I can honestly say we were the loudest on the courts and the most aggressive, but we defiantly had amazing sportsman ship. I notice the other students seem to not have as much contact with basketball as you would see in America. I wonder, is that it because of the cultural differences? After basketball we walked over to the soccer field,  where we played soccer with some of the students on their soccer team. We were informed during the tour that this school is highly known for football a.k.a. soccer. I had fun running up and down the field, but when the ball came my way I was terrified someone was going to come in my face or the ball would hit me while flying through the air so, I ducked or jumped out the way to avoid this and just let Emily handle that stuff. She was beasting it on the field today!!! When the
other team had the ball I Melanie, Kiera and I started Joking around cheering for our team members or I would do flips in the grass. It is still hard to grasp the idea of not touching the ball with your hands when it coming at you off the ground at full speed . 
    Finally working off some of the food we have eaten since we arrived in China we went to the Pink Table Cloth for dinner with two professors that teach English at this University and two of the students that were hanging out with us today. The food was very good and spice. I can say we definitely had full flavor tonight, but way to much food. I passed out once we came back to campus from dinner and shopping. 
                                                                                                       Today was a really great day!

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