

     Today we some of us went to a campus food place to eat a waffle with jam inside. It was good, but interesting at the same time since we did not know there was jam inside the waffle. After breakfast we went to China’s largest reservoir, Dishui Lake. At the peir the locals were flying kites and fishing. There were boats riding in the lake and people camping on the shore. It was very pretty. I wish we were able to get off the bus so we could have gotten a closer look. Next we went to The East China Sea, it was not what I was expecting to see when they told us we were going to the beach today, but the water was warm and so was the sand. Too bad the temperature was dropping as the
day went on because we were all dressed for beach weather not the cold. I think it might rain tomorrow because that it how the drastic weather change.     
    Once we were done with the beach we were to Shanghai Flower Port. This was an outside museum of flowers. Emily, TJ, Melanie, and I split the cost of on paddle boat and tours the pond. There was so much duckweed everywhere that TJ had to work his magic to get it off so the boat would steer better. After paddle boating we went on a nice hike in the rocks, we did climbing and hopping to get to the other side. I am sure there was a more luxurious way to go across the rocks, but our way was more fun!!! The flowers were very pretty, but I think if we visiting two weeks earlier they would have been freshly bloomed. 
    For dinner we went back to the same restaurant as last night with the same couple and were able to hang out with
  different students. Ellen really knew her politics and spoke English well, I am glad TJ could keep up because some of the stuff they were talking about went over my head. After dinner we went shopping with Ellen in an area near campus that reminded me of a Wal-Mart because they sold everything. While walking back Professor Jeremy and I talked about life after graduation, gave me advice and some ideas for take in consideration for the future. It is always helpful to hear others stories on how they made it to where they are now and hear the advice they have to offer from their experiences!!!


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