
    Today we went to the Water Village Zhao Jia Lou with Cynthia; this is not a water park. The Water village is between fresh market and a flea market. Vendors sell all types of food, clothes and other goodies. It was a great thing we had a class about numbers, currency and phrases yesterday because it came in handy while developing our bargaining skills here. I really hope none of us said anything bad while pronouncing some of the words. I saw a lot a great deals for example pearls fresh out of the shell were 8 RMB. In U.S. money that would be a little over 1 dollar. I know where to go to purchase "expensive looking" gifts. While we were at the Water Village we went into a calligraphy artist studio the paintings were very beautiful. Inside the studio there was a famous News Anchor watching this artist work his magic with only paper and an ink pen. It was very interesting to see how the locals reacted with him being around and compare it to the locals reactions to Kiera and Melanie. I believe it was about the same excitement, even they are the next Destiny Child. No worries I am the third singer that blends. ;-)
    After looking around we went to lunch at a popular restaurant in the Water village. The food was great and we were able to taste Chinese beer. As you can observe from the food above we had a lot of seafood. The salmon and the pumpkin was excellent. 
     Next we visited the Palace of Culture museum. It was very interesting and the Art work was very beautiful. First, we went to an exhibit with a walls and ceilings telling a story about the Tang dynasty. The water and fish looked real on the floor. The technology are was very impressive! I wish we had more time to explore the museum because there was so much to take in at once.
    Tonight we had dinner with the Director Hua Hua at this beautiful restaurant. We were able to see the City while eating dinner, it was an honor to be there. During dinner we were all able to see the sunset over Shanghai City on the River. Below was dinner, my favorite part was the fruit drinks and desert because we have not had that much fruit or sweets since we have be in Shanghai. To be honest I have not found one thing that I did not like, so far. I think the key is I do not ask what I am eating until after I have tasted it. With all the food they have been offering I feel like its Thanksgiving during every meal. I might finally gain that freshman 15.
 Once we returned to campus after a full day of events a small group of us went to walk around town with Viviane and Wang to do some window shopping while drinking a beer. I was astonish that were able to drink in public on the streets with out being  against the law. Also the price of the beer was really low compare to the Untied States. Wang explain how there was not drinking laws, but their parents are who regulates it. I wonder how life would be in America if this was how the government regulated drinking. Emily I bought two pastries on for tomorrow’s breakfast and the other was for desert tonight. The pastry Emily bought had chocolate on top with a whip cream filling, it was very delicious.  I purchased some break with has raspberry on top. I am excited to eat it in the morning!!!!

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